Notice of Public Hearing
As noted in the last rate increase hearing on February 11, 2020, Portland Water Bureau (PWB) is building the Bull Run Filtration Plant and making other improvements to their system. The price tag for these items is significant. PWB is passing the cost to their Portland customers and area wholesale water-purchasing districts such as Palatine Hill Water District (PHWD). While rates have not increased as drastically in the short term as predicted, rates will increase appreciably and steadily over the next few years. PWB projects the cost of water purchased by PHWD will increase 86% by 2028, with continued significant increases expected in the following years.
As outlined above, the proposed rate increase for consideration is 20%. In addition to the costs being forwarded by PWB, costs associated with maintenance, repairs, and improvements to our aging PHWD distribution system continue to increase. Dollars projected for replacement projects outlined in the District’s Master Plan 2015 have increased by more than 25%, and the Consumer Price Index for the Pacific States (OR, WA, CA, AK, and HI) has risen by 21% since the last rate increase in 2020.
The last rate increase adopted by the PHWD Board before 2020 was in 2016. The District’s Budget Committee, which convened in April 2024 to review and approve the fiscal year 2024-2025 budget, recommended evaluating rates to ensure the District can continue to pay for wholesale water purchases and fund future projects proactively.
The PHWD Board of Commissioners will conduct a public hearing to receive public comments on the proposed rate increase on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at 5:30 PM at the Riverdale Grade School Commons Room.
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